Saturday 27 April 2019

Azure Tips and Tricks - Become more productive with Azure

We’re pleased to re-introduce a web resource called “Azure Tips and Tricks” that helps existing developers using Azure learn something new within a couple of minutes. Since inception in 2017, the collection has grown to over 200+ tips as well as videos, conference talks, and several eBooks spanning the entire universe of the Azure platform. Featuring a new weekly tip and video it is designed to help you boost your productivity with Azure, and all tips are based off of practical real-world scenarios. The series spans the entire universe of the Azure platform from App Services, to containers, and more!

Azure Tips and Tricks, Azure Certifications, Azure Tutorials and Materials, Azure Learning

Figure 1: The Azure Tips and Tricks homepage.

With the new site, we’ve included the much-needed ability to navigate between Azure services, so that you can quickly browse your favorite categories.

Azure Tips and Tricks, Azure Certifications, Azure Tutorials and Materials, Azure Learning

Figure 2: The new Azure Tips and Tricks navigation capabilities.

There is search functionality to assist you to quickly find what you are looking for.

Azure Tips and Tricks, Azure Certifications, Azure Tutorials and Materials, Azure Learning

Figure 3: The new Azure Tips and Tricks search function.

The site is also open-source on GitHub, so anyone can help contribute to the site, ask questions, and jump-in wherever they want! While you are on the page go ahead and star us to keep up to date.

Azure Tips and Tricks, Azure Certifications, Azure Tutorials and Materials, Azure Learning
Figure 4: The Azure Tips and Tricks GitHub repo.

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