Tuesday 29 August 2023

Upgrade to App Service Environment v3 today and unlock new capabilities

Azure Exam, Azure Certification, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Guides, Azure Learning, Azure Tutorial

Azure has announced that App Service Environment versions 1 and 2 will reach end of life on August 31, 2024. If you’ve not already upgraded to App Service Environment v3, we want to remind you of the many technical resources and benefits that should help you to plan the migration right away. Remember, the end of life is dependent on phasing out of the underlying Cloud Service (classic) infrastructure, which means your services may no longer run after the deadline.

We’ve published a range of tools and resources to give your development and IT teams the help they need to confidently upgrade and unlock the new capabilities. In addition to the technical documentation we review later, we highly recommend the Learn Live session with Azure FastTrack Architects, now available on demand, that gives viewers a comprehensive overview of the steps to complete the migration.

An App Service Environment is an Azure App Service feature that provides a fully isolated and dedicated environment for running App Service apps securely at high scale. App Service Environment v3 is the latest version of App Service Environment. It’s easier to use, runs on more powerful infrastructure that can go up to 64 cores and 256-GB RAM with faster scaling speeds for both Windows and Linux, and has simpler network topology. In this article, let us review some of the advantages of App Service Environment v3 and the many ways your team can begin the upgrade process today.

Azure Exam, Azure Certification, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Guides, Azure Learning, Azure Tutorial

App Service Environment v3 gives you better performance for less cost

App Service Environment v3 delivers a host of enhancements that redefine the way developers and architects design, deploy, and manage their applications.

◉ Improved performance and scaling: App Service Environment v3 runs on the latest Virtual Machine Scale Sets infrastructure, giving it the best performing and fastest scaling times across all versions. Front-end scaling is managed by the platform and scaling operations do not block other operations, unlike previous versions.

◉ Enhanced security: App Service Environment v3 is designed to eliminate networking dependencies on the customer’s virtual network, a big improvement over previous versions. Management and dependency traffic stays within the Azure backbone, and the only traffic that traverses your virtual network is the application traffic to and from your apps.

◉ Higher resiliency: In Azure regions enabled with Availability zones, an App Service Environment v3 can be configured to withstand a zonal failure within a region. This capability provides higher availability for deployed applications and automatically deploy instances across multiple zones for mission-critical apps.

◉ Cost savings: App Service Environment v3 is often cheaper than previous versions due to the removal of the stamp fee and larger instance sizes. You also get to take advantage of commitment-based offerings to reduce cost for resources using reserved instance pricing and Azure savings plans for compute, which are not available in the older versions.

Tools and resources for completing a smooth upgrade

The App Service Environment v3 upgrade landing page is your one-stop shop to learn more about the features, benefits, and migration resources related to App Service Environment v3. Customers have successfully completed the migration of hundreds of clusters on their own using the free, automated migration tool. You can run a pre-flight check to determine if your environment meets the prerequisites to automate your upgrade using the migration feature, otherwise you can follow the detailed instructions for a manual upgrade.

In addition, Microsoft Learn has collected walkthroughs, tutorials, and links to help you get familiar with the options for upgrading to App Service Environment v3. The Microsoft developer community is a vibrant space where experts and peers gather to share insights, experiences, and solutions. By participating in these forums, developers can seek help and gain valuable insights from others who have already upgraded to App Service Environment v3.

Free whitepaper on use in compliance-oriented industries

Companies in compliance-oriented industries sometimes need cloud-based services within an isolated, policy-based environment while simplifying application lifecycle management. In an in-depth analysis, GigaOM found that the single-tenant App Service Environment v3 complements the public multi-tenant service to deliver the latest generation of Azure platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering, reducing overheads of building and managing the services required by modern, digital-first applications. The platform extends these principles to applications in compliance-oriented organizations, providing valuable time saving in regulatory industries. 

Source: microsoft.com

Thursday 24 August 2023

Empowering the World: Microsoft's AI Initiatives Making an Impact on Global Challenges

Microsoft Certification, Microsoft Prep, Microsoft Prreparation, Microsoft Tutorial and Materials, Microsoft Career, Microsoft Skills

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, reshaping industries and solving complex challenges across the globe. At the forefront of this transformative wave is Microsoft, a tech giant that has harnessed the power of AI to spearhead initiatives aimed at addressing some of the most pressing global issues. In this article, we delve into the remarkable endeavors undertaken by Microsoft through its AI initiatives, exploring their profound impact on various sectors and their potential to bring about positive change.

1. Education Reinvented: AI in the Classroom

The realm of education has witnessed a seismic shift with the integration of AI-powered tools and technologies. Microsoft's AI initiatives have contributed significantly to this transformation. Through its intelligent platforms, such as Microsoft Teams and OneNote, the company has provided educators with innovative resources to personalize learning experiences. Adaptive learning algorithms analyze students' progress, enabling teachers to tailor their approach and address individual needs effectively. As a result, students can now thrive at their own pace, fostering a more inclusive and engaging educational environment.

2. Healthcare Revolutionized: AI for Improved Diagnostics

The healthcare sector has been grappling with challenges that demand advanced solutions. Microsoft's AI-driven forays into healthcare have paved the way for revolutionary diagnostic capabilities. The company's AI algorithms can process massive amounts of medical data, from X-rays to genomic sequences, expediting the identification of diseases and anomalies. This not only expedites diagnosis but also empowers healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions, ultimately saving lives. Microsoft's AI initiatives have redefined medical imaging analysis, rendering it more precise and efficient than ever before.

3. Sustainability Amplified: AI in Environmental Conservation

Addressing climate change and environmental degradation is a shared responsibility that necessitates innovative approaches. Microsoft has stepped up to the challenge by employing AI to bolster conservation efforts. Through AI-enabled data analysis, the company assists environmentalists and researchers in monitoring ecosystems, tracking wildlife populations, and predicting natural disasters. By harnessing the power of machine learning, Microsoft has amplified the impact of conservation initiatives, driving a collective endeavor to preserve our planet for future generations.

4. Empowering Societies: AI for Accessibility

Inclusivity lies at the core of Microsoft's AI endeavors. The company's commitment to accessibility is exemplified by its AI-powered assistive technologies. By leveraging AI, Microsoft has developed tools that empower individuals with disabilities, enabling them to communicate, learn, and work more effectively. From real-time captioning to adaptive controllers for gaming, these innovations break down barriers and facilitate equal participation, fostering a more diverse and integrated society.

5. Economic Transformation: AI and Business Innovation

The business landscape is undergoing a profound transformation fueled by AI-driven innovation. Microsoft's AI initiatives have not only optimized operational efficiency but also unlocked new avenues for growth. Through AI-powered data analysis, companies can extract valuable insights, driving informed decision-making. Chatbots and virtual assistants enhance customer experiences, while predictive analytics enable businesses to anticipate market trends. Microsoft's AI solutions empower enterprises to navigate the complexities of the digital age, fostering agility and resilience.

6. Global Collaboration: AI for Humanitarian Assistance

In times of crisis, rapid response and effective coordination are imperative. Microsoft's AI initiatives have facilitated global collaboration in humanitarian efforts. The company's AI technology assists organizations in analyzing vast amounts of data during disasters, enabling timely and targeted relief operations. Moreover, AI-powered language translation bridges communication gaps, facilitating efficient information exchange among responders from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Microsoft's AI-driven humanitarian support exemplifies the potential of technology to alleviate human suffering on a global scale.

In conclusion, Microsoft's AI initiatives stand as a testament to the transformative power of technology in addressing global challenges. From revolutionizing education and healthcare to promoting sustainability and inclusivity, the company's AI-driven solutions have left an indelible mark across diverse sectors. As we look ahead, it is evident that Microsoft's commitment to innovation will continue to shape a better future for individuals, societies, and the planet.

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Mastering the Art of Scalability: Harnessing the Power of Microsoft Cloud Types

Microsoft Power, Microsoft Certification, Microsoft Prep, Microsoft Prepartion, Microsoft Career, Microsoft Skills, Microsoft Jobs

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, scalability has emerged as a critical factor for businesses seeking to stay competitive and relevant. With the surge in data generation, the demand for flexible and efficient solutions to accommodate growth has never been more pronounced. Enter Microsoft Cloud, a game-changing platform that offers a range of cloud types designed to empower businesses with the scalability they need to flourish in today's digital age.

Understanding the Foundation: What is Scalability?

Scalability, in the context of technology, refers to the ability of a system, application, or network to handle increased workload without compromising performance or user experience. Essentially, it's the art of seamlessly adapting to growth while maintaining efficiency. In the realm of cloud computing, scalability becomes paramount as businesses aim to handle growing data volumes, user demands, and market expansion.

Introducing Microsoft Cloud Types

Microsoft has revolutionized the way businesses approach scalability with its diverse range of cloud types, each tailored to specific requirements. Let's delve into these cloud types and explore how they can supercharge your business:

1. Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Azure IaaS provides a scalable and flexible solution that allows you to manage and control virtual machines, storage, and networking components. This cloud type offers the freedom to deploy and manage applications without the complexities of hardware maintenance. With Azure IaaS, you can swiftly scale up or down based on your workload demands, ensuring optimal performance while minimizing costs.

2. Azure Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Azure PaaS takes scalability to the next level by enabling developers to focus solely on building applications. This cloud type handles the underlying infrastructure, database management, and runtime environment, freeing you from operational intricacies. As your user base grows, Azure PaaS automatically scales resources to match demand, ensuring a seamless experience for your users.

3. Azure Software as a Service (SaaS)

For businesses seeking ready-to-use solutions, Azure SaaS offers a range of cloud-based software applications. From communication tools to productivity suites, Azure SaaS eliminates the need for installation, maintenance, and updates. As your organization expands, you can effortlessly add new users and access additional features, all while benefiting from automatic updates and security enhancements.

The Advantages of Harnessing Microsoft Cloud Scalability

1. Seamless Growth

The hallmark advantage of Microsoft Cloud scalability is its ability to accommodate growth without disruptions. As your business experiences spikes in demand, the cloud seamlessly scales resources to match the workload. This eliminates concerns about overprovisioning or underutilization, resulting in optimal resource utilization and cost savings.

2. Cost-Efficiency

Traditional IT infrastructure often requires significant upfront investments in hardware and maintenance. Microsoft Cloud's pay-as-you-go model ensures that you only pay for the resources you consume. This cost-efficient approach empowers businesses of all sizes to access enterprise-grade technology without incurring prohibitive expenses.

3. Time-to-Market Acceleration

In today's fast-paced business environment, speed is of the essence. Microsoft Cloud's rapid provisioning and deployment capabilities enable you to bring new products and services to market faster. This agility not only enhances your competitive edge but also allows you to capitalize on emerging opportunities swiftly.

4. Enhanced Security and Compliance

Microsoft Cloud prioritizes the security of your data and applications. With robust security features and compliance certifications, you can confidently store sensitive information in the cloud. Moreover, regular updates and proactive monitoring ensure that your infrastructure remains resilient against evolving threats.


In the dynamic world of technology, scalability is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive. Microsoft Cloud's array of cloud types offers a powerful toolkit for mastering scalability and navigating the complexities of growth. From IaaS to PaaS and SaaS, these cloud types cater to diverse business needs, ensuring seamless expansion, cost-efficiency, and enhanced security. Embrace the power of Microsoft Cloud and propel your business toward a scalable and prosperous future.

Saturday 19 August 2023

The Power of Possibilities: Microsoft AI's Journey to Redefining Technology

Microsoft AI, Microsoft Career, Microsoft Skills, Microsoft Jobs, Microsoft Prep, Microsoft Preparation, Microsoft Guides


In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, Microsoft has emerged as a pioneering force in reshaping the way we perceive and interact with technology. At the heart of this transformation lies the incredible journey of Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence (AI), a voyage that has redefined the boundaries of innovation, efficiency, and human-machine collaboration.

Unleashing the Potential of AI

Microsoft's commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology is vividly demonstrated through its relentless pursuit of harnessing the power of AI. The amalgamation of cutting-edge research, dedicated development, and visionary thinking has propelled Microsoft AI to the forefront of the industry. With a mission to make AI accessible and beneficial for all, Microsoft's AI endeavors have focused on addressing real-world challenges and revolutionizing various sectors.

Transforming Industries Through Innovation

Healthcare Revolution

One of the most impactful areas where Microsoft AI has left an indelible mark is healthcare. Through its innovative applications, Microsoft AI has expedited medical research, diagnosis, and treatment. Advanced algorithms analyze complex medical data, offering insights that were previously inaccessible. From detecting early signs of diseases to enhancing medical imaging accuracy, Microsoft AI's contributions have the potential to save lives and transform patient care.

Empowering Education

In the realm of education, Microsoft AI has opened doors to personalized and inclusive learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms powered by AI cater to individual student needs, providing tailored content and pacing. Furthermore, language processing capabilities have revolutionized language learning, breaking down barriers and facilitating global communication.

A New Era of Manufacturing

The manufacturing sector has also witnessed a paradigm shift, thanks to Microsoft AI. Smart factories equipped with AI-driven predictive maintenance systems optimize operations, reduce downtime, and enhance productivity. This technological evolution ensures streamlined production processes, cost savings, and sustainable practices.

AI's Evolution: From Assistance to Augmentation

Microsoft's AI journey has evolved from being a mere assistant to becoming an indispensable augmentation tool for human capabilities. Through Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), AI has empowered professionals across various domains. From content creation to data analysis, AI-driven insights facilitate informed decision-making and drive innovation.

Ethical AI and Privacy

As AI's influence grows, Microsoft remains steadfast in its commitment to ethical AI development and privacy protection. Striking a delicate balance between innovation and responsible use, Microsoft AI is designed to prioritize user privacy and data security. Transparent AI algorithms ensure fairness, prevent bias, and uphold the highest ethical standards.

Collaborative Innovation

Microsoft AI's journey is not a solitary one. The company's commitment to collaborative innovation is evident through partnerships, research collaborations, and open-source initiatives. By fostering a global community of AI enthusiasts, Microsoft has created an environment where diverse perspectives converge, leading to breakthroughs that benefit society as a whole.

The Road Ahead: Expanding Horizons

Looking ahead, Microsoft AI's journey continues to be a beacon of possibility. The integration of AI into cloud computing, edge devices, and IoT ecosystems is poised to reshape entire industries. From autonomous vehicles to sustainable energy solutions, the potential applications of Microsoft AI are limitless.


The power of possibilities unlocked by Microsoft AI's journey is awe-inspiring. From healthcare to education, manufacturing to innovation, AI has shattered barriers and redefined technology's role in our lives. Microsoft's relentless pursuit of excellence, ethical standards, and collaborative spirit have propelled AI to the forefront of technological innovation. As we stand on the brink of a new era, the journey of Microsoft AI serves as a testament to human ingenuity and the limitless potential of technology.

Thursday 17 August 2023

Modernize and monetize your network investments with Microsoft Azure Operator Nexus

Azure Operator Nexus is now generally available  

Earlier this year at MWC Barcelona, Microsoft announced the public preview of Azure Operator Nexus, a carrier-grade and hybrid platform, built to empower telecom operators to modernize and transform their networks. Operator Nexus enables operators to use cloud technology to modernize and monetize their network investments—lowering total cost of ownership (TCO), driving operational efficiency and resiliency with advanced AI and automation, and improving the security of highly distributed, software-based networks. Today, we announce that Operator Nexus is now generally available (GA). 

Microsoft Azure Operator Nexus, Microsoft Career, Microsoft Skill, Microsoft Jobs, Microsoft Prep, Microsoft Preparation, Microsoft Guides, Microsoft Learning

Since MWC, we’ve incorporated additional features based on insightful feedback from customers. With the latest release of Operator Nexus, some of the new features include: 

◉ Network Fabric Automation—enables operators to build, operate, and manage carrier-grade network fabric from Azure. It performs several functions like bootstrapping and configuration, application of network policies, lifecycle management, creation of tenant workload network, and providing observability of the network devices. Network Fabric Automation provides a single point of control and visibility across the entire network fabric for the Operator Nexus platform and host tenant workloads.  

◉ Network Packet Broker—allows operators to efficiently capture, aggregate, filter, and monitor traffic. It enables operators to monitor large complex networks and provide network-level visibility to aid with service planning and troubleshooting of service problems. It also plays a vital role in enhancing troubleshooting capabilities, meeting regulatory requirements, and enabling organizations to maintain the optimal performance and security of their networks.  

◉ Enhanced Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)—for on-premises use. Operator Nexus contains specific extensions to optimize the automated creation of containers to host tenant network function workloads. This new extension improves resilience and the availability of the cluster; it also enables operators to isolate and manage the performance of specific workloads. 

◉ Azure Lockbox—provides operators with an additional layer of operational control over access to their data stored in the Azure cloud platform. This feature allows operators to approve or deny access to their data by Microsoft support engineers who may require access for troubleshooting or maintenance purposes. In those rare circumstances where such access is required, Azure Lockbox provides an interface for customers to review and approve or reject customer data access requests. 

◉ Placement control of network functions—this feature gives more control to the operators on workloads deployment placement within a cluster. The operators can use this feature for improved performance, efficiency, and resiliency of the workloads. 

◉ For observability, Operator Nexus has native integration with Azure Monitor—operators can send data to either Azure Operator Insights, Log Analytics Workspace (LAW), or Azure Data Explorer (ADX) cluster. Log Analytics Workspace offers a wide range of built-in capabilities, including log analytics, visualization, alerting, and more. Alternatively, operators can view the logging data using ADX cluster, which provides a low-cost alternative to LAW. If the main purpose is to retain the observability data for Retention and Information Management (RIM) compliance, operators can choose to send the data to a storage account. 

◉ As part of the Azure AIOPs offers, Azure Operator Service Manager (AOSM)—transforms the operator service management experience into a modern cloud service. It simplifies the management of complex, multi-part, multi-vendor service deployments across thousands of hybrid cloud sites, including Azure regions, edge platforms, and Azure Arc-connected infrastructure. AOSM offers benefits like a single management experience for Microsoft and third-party network functions, automation enriched with Azure’s industry-leading cognitive services, and strict software distribution security enforcement, ensuring that what is published is what gets deployed. 

AT&T deployment successfully reaches new milestone 

AT&T continues to work closely with Microsoft on Operator Nexus from early access and into GA.  AT&T has begun deploying Network Function workloads in its labs, with the intent to deploy them into production environments. 

“Operator Nexus GA is an important milestone in our journey with Microsoft and ecosystem collaborators on Telco Grade cloud for Mobility 5G Core. We are excited to see our vision of Telco grade cloud powered by Microsoft Azure and AI technologies deployed in AT&T data centers and operated by AT&T. This will help deliver simplified operations, lower total cost of ownership, and improved time to market so we can continue to forge ahead with building the world’s best 5G service.” 

—Igal Elbaz, Senior Vice President, Network CTO, AT&T

The expanding Operator Nexus ecosystem 

Network function vendors have had the opportunity to experience early access to Operator Nexus through the Ready program, which certifies that the ecosystem of cloud-native network functions (CNFs), virtual network functions (VNFs), and other software interoperate with Operator Nexus. The close collaboration between Microsoft and its many software vendors has enabled each partner to use real-world workloads to prioritize and build on platform features.  

For example, Nokia successfully executed an end-to-end 5G Standalone (SA) call, using its 5G core CNFs running on Operator Nexus. The company also established a reference design guide for its 5G core on Nexus. In another example, Ericsson, building on the success of working with AT&T, is now ready to begin trialing its cloud-native 5G Core with operators on Operator Nexus.  

This early, positive feedback helps to ensure the success of our lighthouse customer, AT&T. Of equal significance, partners are now familiar with the process of what it entails to bring updated or additional network functions to this platform in the future. Continued relationships with partners through the program will allow for a robust, trusted collection of network functions that are deployment-ready for Operator Nexus. 

“We are pleased to expand our strategic collaboration with Microsoft, focusing on cloud-based network solutions within their Operator Nexus architecture. This alliance includes various capabilities, from PCC (policy, charging, and control) to end-to-end service orchestration, driving network automation for agility and enhanced monetization. By integrating Amdocs’ network functions into the Operator Nexus framework, we accelerate operators’ network transformations, reaffirming our commitment to technological innovation on the cloud.” 

—Anthony Goonetilleke, Group President of Technology and Head of Strategy, Amdocs


“Our validation efforts with Microsoft have reached a watershed moment where operators are now able to test our 5G Core applications and orchestration suite on Operator Nexus and address their design goals for efficiency, security, and reliability.”

—Monica Zethzon, Vice President and Head of Solution Area Core Networks, Ericsson


“We look forward to building on our support of Operator Nexus with the onboarding of HPE’s network functions in order to give operators the opportunity to drive their next generation of core networks.”

—David Stark, VP Product & Portfolio Management, Hewlett Packard Enterprise


“Together with Microsoft, we established and achieved key milestones that give operators confidence to run our cloud-native 5G Core on Operator Nexus, enabling our customers to pursue vital network modernization goals and exciting monetization opportunities.“

—Fran Heeran, SVP, Core Networks, Nokia Cloud and Network Services, Nokia

What’s next: Preview for future releases

Building on the experience that comes from running Operator Nexus for a fully deployed, tier 1 operator network, in the future, we are looking forward to: 

◉ Continuing to expand the Operator Nexus Ready ecosystem to include additional network function providers and new containerized and virtualized network functions, supporting RAN, Packet Core, Transport, and Enterprise services.

◉ Releasing a smaller form factor deployment of Operator Nexus, optimized at both the hardware and software layers, to support the unique needs of the RAN for features such as in-line and look-aside network acceleration. 

◉ Expanding AIOps functionality, integrating the power of Generative AI to improve how networks are designed, deployed, and operated.

Source: microsoft.com

Monday 14 August 2023

Planning to Take the Microsoft AZ-500 Exam? If Yes, Then Click Here.

Microsoft Azure offers certifications allowing you to confirm your expertise and guide your journey through cloud-related professions. One crucial certification that IT administrators and security professionals should aim for is AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies. Successfully clearing this exam grants you the Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate title.

This certification is designed for Azure Security Engineers responsible for overseeing and supervising security assets across single or multiple Azure tenants and hybrid environments.

Microsoft Azure AZ-500 Exam Overview

The Microsoft Azure AZ-500 examination is intended for individuals aiming to showcase their expertise in the deployment, setup, management, and administration of Microsoft Azure software. It validates candidates in implementing security controls, upkeep of security stance, managing identity and access, safeguarding data, handling applications, and overseeing networks. The exam aligns with the responsibilities of a Microsoft Security Engineer, evaluating your proficiency in executing technical tasks within this professional role.

Exam Objectives

Below is a broad overview outlining the competencies and goals assessed by the AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies certification test. The percentages accompanying each exam objective indicate the proportion of the exam devoted to that specific objective area:

  • Manage identity and access (25–30%)
  • Secure networking (20–25%)
  • Secure compute, storage, and database (20–25%)
  • Manage security operations (25–30%)
  • Target Audience

    The AZ-500 examination is tailored for individuals with practical exposure to implementing and overseeing security measures in Azure settings. This test targets Azure security engineers, architects, and those with comparable expertise and understanding in this domain.

    Skills Gained Upon Passing AZ-500 Exam

  • Completing the Microsoft AZ-500 exam will equip you with the skills and knowledge to establish, execute, and safeguard Azure workloads.
  • You will acquire knowledge on safeguarding virtual machines, networks, and applications, in addition to understanding how to use Azure Security Center and Azure Information Protection to ensure the security of your data.
  • You will be empowered to leverage Azure Security Center, Azure Active Directory, and other Microsoft Azure services to construct and apply security measures.
  • Upon successfully passing this exam, you will be able to recognize potential assaults and risks, implement suitable countermeasures, and resolve security issues within the Azure environment.
  • You will also gain insights into the fundamental concepts, components, and solutions related to Azure Security and acquire the skills to apply them effectively in real-world scenarios.
  • The Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate AZ-500 certification will undoubtedly provide you with the essential skills and knowledge required to pursue certification in Azure Security Technologies.
  • Best Learning Option for Microsoft AZ-500 Exam Preparation

    The Azure certification exam poses significant challenges in terms of difficulty. Succeeding will demand your unique skills and insight. Comprehensive coverage of the course schedule will require substantial time and effort. Despite its demanding nature, completing this task is achievable. With dedication and confidence, you have the potential to thrive. Your focus must remain steadfast on achieving your objectives and accessing the necessary preparatory resources.

    The quality of your preparations will largely depend on the learning materials you use. It's crucial to rely on trustworthy resources. Yet, by dedicating the required effort and thoroughly studying the suggested materials, you can effectively prepare to approach the Azure AZ-500 exam with self-assurance.

    1. Microsoft Azure AZ-500 Learning Portal

    When searching for dependable resources, your initial step should be visiting the official Microsoft website. This way, you will access reliable and authentic materials. Most of your queries related to any exam domain can be addressed through the content provided on this website. Therefore, visiting this page to stay updated on Azure training regularly is advisable.

    2. Instructor-Led Training Course

    Enroll in Microsoft's instructor-led program to engage in self-paced learning with the guidance of an expert. These virtual classes can be arranged according to your convenience. Having the instructor lead the course enhances the process of gaining specialized skills and precise knowledge. For additional guidance, you can explore their online Azure course training offerings.

    3. AZ-500 Books

    For individuals who prefer learning through reading, reference materials related to Azure 500 can prove beneficial. The following books can serve as resources to examine Microsoft Azure AZ-500 configurations:

  • Exam Ref Az-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies by Yuri Diogenes, Orin Thomas
  • AZ-500 Study & Lab Guide Part 1: Microsoft Certified Azure Security Engineer Associate Paperback by Harinder Kohli
  • 5. AZ-500 Practice Test

    Once your preparations are finished, it's time to put your knowledge to the test and assess it through practice tests on edusum. Despite being the last step in your preparations, this phase holds the same significance level as the previous ones.

    Tips to Study for AZ-500 Exam

    Given the extensive study materials, how can you efficiently prepare for the AZ-500? Here are several suggestions and approaches to assist you in your preparation:

  • Grasp the Exam Structure and Goals: Get acquainted with the AZ-500 exam structure and goals, accessible on the Microsoft website. This will provide you with insight into the exam's subject areas and the nature of questions to anticipate.
  • Utilize Authorized Microsoft Materials: Microsoft offers a range of resources designed to aid your AZ-500 preparation, such as study manuals, mock exams, and online training. Take advantage of these materials to establish a firm grasp of the content.
  • Engage in Practical Skill-Building: While a robust comprehension of the theoretical ideas addressed in the exam is essential, acquiring firsthand familiarity with Azure security tools and technologies is equally vital. Contemplate establishing a laboratory environment or participating in real-world ventures to obtain hands-on proficiency.
  • Employ Supplementary Study Materials From External Sources: Alongside the authorized Microsoft resources, various third-party study materials are accessible, including books, online courses, and practice tests. These can serve as valuable complements to your studies; however, ensure their use with official Microsoft resources to guarantee the acquisition of accurate and current information for Microsoft AZ-500 exam preparation.
  • Devise a Study Timetable and Adhere to It Consistently: Given the extensive content to be mastered, crafting and maintaining adherence to a study schedule is crucial. Divide your study sessions into achievable segments and allocate ample time to review pertinent subjects comprehensively.
  • Engage in AZ-500 Practice Tests: Utilizing practice tests is a valuable method to assess your comprehension and pinpoint areas requiring concentrated study efforts. While undertaking practice tests, note any unanswered questions and revisit the material to guarantee a comprehensive grasp of the concepts. TRY SAMPLE QUESTIONS!
  • Participate in a Study Collective: Contemplate becoming a member of a study group comprising fellow individuals undergoing AZ-500 preparation. Collaborating with others can serve as a potent method to sustain motivation, exchange learning materials, and deliberate on challenging concepts.
  • Adhering to these recommendations and tactics can position yourself for triumph in the AZ-500 examination. Best wishes for your studies, and remember to incorporate breaks and self-care into your exam preparation routine.

    Why Should Professionals Prioritize Obtaining the AZ-500 Certification?

    The AZ-500 certification program is widely recognized for providing comprehensive Microsoft Azure security solutions expertise. This encompasses managing access and identities, safeguarding applications and data, ensuring platform security, and fortifying network defenses.

    Here are the primary five incentives for featuring AZ-500 certification in your CV.

    1. Rising Market Demand:

    The surge of cloud technology has brought about a positive transformation in how businesses operate. As a result, numerous enterprises are embracing cloud solutions to oversee their data and applications.

    Effective safeguarding of cloud technology is essential to avert potential hazards. The expertise of Azure security specialists is vital for companies to steer clear of potential incidents. This heightened necessity for these experts has led to augmented market demand. The AZ-500 certification could enhance your prospects of securing a rewarding position.

    2. Acquire Expertise in Azure Security:

    Regardless of your proficiency level in Azure Security, you can amass substantial knowledge and skills. This course imparts crucial principles such as safeguarding the Azure platform, ensuring network security, and managing access. All these components are pivotal for achieving proficiency in this field, whether a novice or an adept.

    The AZ-500 certification validates your attainment of substantial expertise and understanding in Azure Security. Moreover, recruiters could begin acknowledging your capabilities as a proficient candidate. Hence, this certification holds a pivotal role in attaining such recognition.

    3. Enhanced Credibility:

    The most advantageous aspect of attaining the AZ-500 certification lies in bolstering your credibility within the sector. Enterprises typically believe in IT experts capable of effectively managing Azure security responsibilities. A solid grasp of Azure fundamentals is essential for a comprehensive understanding, further fortified by possessing the AZ-500 certificate.

    As your credibility grows, clients and enterprises prioritize your expertise above other professionals. This is among the factors that make the certificate indispensable for IT professionals.

    4. Stay Abreast of the Latest Trends and Technologies in Azure Security

    The landscape of Azure security undergoes continuous evolution. It's imperative for everyone engaged in the field to remain well-informed about the most recent developments. This is crucial, as it enables seamless involvement in various projects.

    The AZ-500 certification encompasses the utilization of enduring trends and technologies. It empowers professionals to explore tools extensively, enabling them to showcase their capabilities to clients and recruiters through practical demonstrations.

    5. Elevated Job Prospects and Avenues for Advancement

    Transitioning into an Azure security expert constitutes a prominent career choice. What sets it apart is the abundant array of employment prospects and avenues for professional growth.

    Attaining the AZ-500 certification can unlock a multitude of employment and advancement possibilities. Roles such as Azure Security Engineer, Azure Security Consultant, and Azure Security Architect become attainable. Moreover, these positions often offer attractive compensation within various firms. Your task is to identify a suitable organization to collaborate with.


    The AZ-500 certification boasts a robust global standing within the industry. The all-encompassing nature of the exam equips Azure security experts with a comprehensive skill set. Armed with these proficiencies, they can adeptly manage even the most demanding projects with efficacy. This is precisely why the certification is essential for IT professionals seeking to elevate their career trajectories.

    Saturday 12 August 2023

    Efficiently store data with Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier — now generally available

    Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier, Azure Exam, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Career, Azure Skills, Azure Jobs

    We are excited to announce the general availability of Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier in all public and Azure Government regions except Poland Central and Qatar Central. Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier is an online tier specifically designed for efficiently storing data that is infrequently accessed or modified, all while ensuring immediate availability.

    Azure Blob Storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. With blob access tiers, you can store your data in the most cost-effective way, based on how frequently it will be accessed and how long it will be retained. Azure Blob Storage now includes a new cold online access tier option, further reducing costs.

    Across diverse industries, Azure customers are harnessing the power of blob storage to address a wide range of needs. With the introduction of the new tier, customers can now experience remarkable benefits in scenarios such as backing up media content, preserving medical images, and securing critical application data for seamless business continuity and robust disaster recovery.

    Cost effectiveness with cold tier

    Cold tier is the most cost-effective Azure Blob Storage offering to store infrequently accessed data with long term retention requirements, while maintaining instant access. Blob access tiers maximize cost savings based on data access patterns. When your data isn’t needed for 30 days, we recommend tiering the data from hot to cool to save up to 46 percent (using the East US 2 pricing as an example) due to lower prices on capacity. When your data is even cooler, for example, if you don’t require access for 90 days or longer, cold tier results in more savings. When compared to cool tier, cold tier can save you an additional 64 percent on capacity costs (using the East US 2 pricing as an example; hot to cold tier savings are 80 percent).

    Prices for read operations are higher on cooler access tiers and read patterns and file size distribution affect the cost-effectiveness. We recommend calculating the total cost based on both operation and capacity costs. The chart below shows how total cost differs on cool tier and cold tier based on how long you keep the data with the tier.

    Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier, Azure Exam, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Career, Azure Skills, Azure Jobs

    In the above scenario, the total cost estimation assumes 10 TiB data in total, 10 MiB blob size on average, reading once every month, and reading 10 percent of the total data each time. If you keep data for 30 days, the total cost is lower on the cool tier than the cold tier. If you keep data for 60 days or longer, cold tier is a more cost-effective option.

    Seamless experience with cold tier

    Cold tier is as easy to use as hot tier and cool tier. REST APIs, SDKs, Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, Azure Storage Explorer have been extended to support cold tier. You can use the latest version of these clients to write, manage, and read your data directly from cold tier. The read latency is milliseconds on the cold tier.

    Lifecycle management policy also supports automating tiering blobs to cold tier based on conditions including modified time, creation time, and last access time.

    The cold tier extends its support to both Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Locally redundant storage (LRS), Geo-redundant storage (GRS), Read-access Geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS), Zone-redundant storage (ZRS), Geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS), and Read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-GZRS) are all supported based on regional redundancy availability.

    Empowering customers and partners to maximize savings

    Customers across industries can use cold tier to improve the cost efficiency of object storage on Azure without compromising read latency. Since we launched the preview for cold tier in May 2023, our customers and partners have used this capability on Azure to store data that is infrequently accessed or modified.

    Source: microsoft.com

    Thursday 10 August 2023

    7 ways generative AI is bringing bionic business to manufacturing

    AI + Machine Learning, AI, Microsoft Career, Microsoft Skills, Microsoft Jobs, Microsoft Prep, Microsoft Preparation, Microsoft Guides

    Generative AI is transforming what we know, and when we know it. Fast access to knowledge is being used in the world of manufacturing, where AI’s ability to design, customize, and accurately predict potential defects allows businesses to optimize costs. Microsoft, a global technology leader, has strategically positioned itself at the forefront of the manufacturing industry revolution, employing a potent combination of its strong partnerships, cutting-edge cloud services, and revolutionary technologies like Azure Open AI Service, Internet of Things (IoT), and mixed reality. The company’s visionary approach revolves around empowering manufacturers with intelligent, interconnected systems that revolutionize productivity, enhance product quality, and optimize operational efficiency, thereby driving the industry toward unprecedented levels of success and innovation. 

    The impact of generative AI

    By fostering strategic alliances with key players across the manufacturing ecosystem, Microsoft has cultivated a collaborative environment that fuels creativity and cooperation. Through these partnerships, the tech giant gains valuable insights into industry pain points and emerging challenges, enabling them to develop tailor-made solutions that cater to the specific needs of manufacturers worldwide.  

    Below, we take a look under the hood of generative AI’s transformational prowess.

    1. Collect and leverage dataStrabag SE, the global construction company, partnered with Microsoft to build a Data Science Hub to collect decentralized data and leverage it for insights. This enabled the organization to develop use cases to prove the value of data including its risk management project. The solution uses an algorithm to pinpoint at-risk construction projects, saving Strabag SE time and reducing financial losses.  

    2. Product customization—By leveraging customer input and preferences, manufacturers can use generative AI algorithms to create personalized designs or adapt existing designs to suit specific needs, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and meeting diverse market demands without compromising efficiency. 

    3. Process optimization—Generative AI can identify patterns, inefficiencies, and potential improvements, leading to enhanced productivity, reduced waste, and optimized resource allocation. By continuously learning from real-time data, generative AI can adapt and optimize production systems to maximize output and minimize costs.

    4. Rapid prototyping—Generative AI can explore a vast design space, providing innovative solutions that might not be immediately apparent to the human eye. Modern Requirements built their solution on Microsoft Azure DevOps and integrated with Azure OpenAI Service, providing the essential requirements tools to effectively manage projects throughout their life cycles. Doing so allowed them to reduce time to market and improve project quality across a multitude of industries—all of which require regulatory compliance.  

    5. Quality control—Generative AI can assist in quality control processes by analyzing large volumes of data collected during production. By identifying patterns and correlations, it can detect anomalies, predict potential defects, and provide insights into quality issues. Manufacturers can use this information to implement preventive measures, reduce product defects, and enhance overall product quality.  

    6. Supply chain optimization—Generative AI can optimize supply chain operations by analyzing historical data, demand forecasts, and external factors. It can generate optimized production schedules, predict demand fluctuations, and optimize inventory levels. This helps manufacturers minimize stockouts, reduce lead times, and improve overall supply chain efficiency. 

    7. Maintenance and predictive analytics—Generative AI can analyze real-time sensor data from manufacturing equipment to identify potential failures or maintenance needs. By detecting patterns and anomalies, it can predict equipment failures, schedule maintenance proactively, and optimize maintenance processes. This approach helps reduce downtime, improve equipment reliability, and increase overall operational efficiency.

    Microsoft aims to enable seamless connectivity, data analysis, and AI-driven insights across the production process. By leveraging Azure OpenAI Service’s capabilities, manufacturers can optimize production operations, improve equipment maintenance, and enhance product quality.

    Source: microsoft.com

    Tuesday 8 August 2023

    Scale generative AI with new Azure AI infrastructure advancements and availability

    Scale generative AI with new Azure AI infrastructure advancements and availability

    Generative AI is a powerful and transformational technology that has the potential to advance a wide range of industries from manufacturing to retail, and financial services to healthcare. Our early investments in hardware and AI infrastructure are helping customers to realize the efficiency and innovation generative AI can deliver. Our Azure AI infrastructure is the backbone of how we scale our offerings, with Azure OpenAI Service at the forefront of this transformation, providing developers with the systems, tools, and resources they need to build next-generation, AI-powered applications on the Azure platform. With generative AI, users can create richer user experiences, fuel innovation, and boost productivity for their businesses.

    As part of our commitment to bringing the transformative power of AI to our customers, today we’re announcing updates to how we’re empowering businesses Azure AI infrastructure and applications. With the global expansion of Azure OpenAI Service, we are making OpenAI’s most advanced models, GPT-4 and GPT-35-Turbo, available in multiple new regions, providing businesses worldwide with unparalleled generative AI capabilities. Our Azure AI infrastructure is what powers this scalability, which we continue to invest in and expand. We’re also delivering the general availability of the ND H100 v5 Virtual Machine series, equipped with NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core graphics processing units (GPUs) and low-latency networking, propelling businesses into a new era of AI applications. 

    Here’s how these advancements extend Microsoft’s unified approach to AI across the stack.  

    General availability of ND H100 v5 Virtual Machine series: Unprecedented AI processing and scale

    Today marks the general availability of our Azure ND H100 v5 Virtual Machine (VM) series, featuring the latest NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs and NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand networking. This VM series is meticulously engineered with Microsoft’s extensive experience in delivering supercomputing performance and scale to tackle the exponentially increasing complexity of cutting-edge AI workloads. As part of our deep and ongoing investment in generative AI, we are leveraging an AI optimized 4K GPU cluster and will be ramping to hundreds of thousands of the latest GPUs in the next year. 

    The ND H100 v5 is now available in the East United States and South Central United States Azure regions. Enterprises can register their interest in access to the new VMs or review technical details on the ND H100 v5 VM series at Microsoft Learn.  

    The ND H100 v5 VMs include the following features today: 

    • AI supercomputing GPUs: Equipped with eight NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs, these VMs promise significantly faster AI model performance than previous generations, empowering businesses with unmatched computational power.
    • Next-generation computer processing unit (CPU): Understanding the criticality of CPU performance for AI training and inference, we have chosen the 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors as the foundation of these VMs, ensuring optimal processing speed.
    • Low-latency networking: The inclusion of NVIDIA Quantum-2 ConnectX-7 InfiniBand with 400Gb/s per GPU with 3.2 Tb/s per VM of cross-node bandwidth ensures seamless performance across the GPUs, matching the capabilities of top-performing supercomputers globally.
    • Optimized host to GPU performance: With PCIe Gen5 providing 64GB/s bandwidth per GPU, Azure achieves significant performance advantages between CPU and GPU.
    • Large scale memory and memory bandwidth: DDR5 memory is at the core of these VMs, delivering greater data transfer speeds and efficiency, making them ideal for workloads with larger datasets.
    • These VMs have proven their performance prowess, with up to six times more speedup in matrix multiplication operations when using the new 8-bit FP8 floating point data type compared to FP16 in previous generations. The ND H100 v5 VMs achieve up to two times more speedup in large language models like BLOOM 175B end-to-end model inference, demonstrating their potential to optimize AI applications further.

    Azure OpenAI Service goes global: Expanding cutting-edge models worldwide

    We are thrilled to announce the global expansion of Azure OpenAI Service, bringing OpenAI’s cutting-edge models, including GPT-4 and GPT-35-Turbo, to a wider audience worldwide. Our new live regions in Australia East, Canada East, East United States 2, Japan East, and United Kingdom South extend our reach and support for organizations seeking powerful generative AI capabilities. With the addition of these regions, Azure OpenAI Service is now available in even more locations, complementing our existing availability in East United States, France Central, South Central United States, and West Europe. The response to Azure OpenAI Service has been phenomenal, with our customer base nearly tripling since our last disclosure. We now proudly serve over 11,000 customers, attracting an average of 100 new customers daily this quarter. This remarkable growth is a testament to the value our service brings to businesses eager to harness the potential of AI for their unique needs.

    As part of this expansion, we are increasing the availability of GPT-4, Azure OpenAI’s most advanced generative AI model, across the new regions. This enhancement allows more customers to leverage GPT-4’s capabilities for content generation, document intelligence, customer service, and beyond. With Azure OpenAI Service, organizations can propel their operations to new heights, driving innovation and transformation across various industries.

    A responsible approach to developing generative AI

    Microsoft’s commitment to responsible AI is at the core of Azure AI and Machine Learning. The AI platform incorporates robust safety systems and leverages human feedback mechanisms to handle harmful inputs responsibly, ensuring the utmost protection for users and end consumers. Businesses can apply for access to Azure OpenAI Service and unlock the full potential of generative AI to propel their operations to new heights.

    We invite businesses and developers worldwide to join us in this transformative journey as we lead the way in AI innovation. Azure OpenAI Service stands as a testament to Microsoft’s dedication to making AI accessible, scalable, and impactful for businesses of all sizes. Together, let’s embrace the power of generative AI and Microsoft’s commitment to responsible AI practices to drive positive impact and growth worldwide.

    Customer inspiration

    Generative AI is revolutionizing various industries, including content creation and design, accelerated automation, personalized marketing, customer service, chatbots, product and service innovation, language translation, autonomous driving, fraud detection, and predictive analytics. We are inspired by the way our customers are innovating with generative AI and look forward to seeing how customers around the world build upon these technologies.

    Mercedes-Benz is innovating its in-car experience for drivers, powered by Azure OpenAI Service. The upgraded “Hey Mercedes” feature is more intuitive and conversational than ever before. KPMG, a global professional services firm, leverages our service to improve its service delivery model, achieve intelligent automation, and enhance the coding lifecycle. Wayve trains large scale foundational neural-network for autonomous driving using Azure Machine Learning and Azure’s AI infrastructure. Microsoft partner SymphonyAI launched Sensa Copilot to empower financial crime investigators to combat the burden of illegal activity on the economy and organizations. By automating data collection, collation, and summarization of financial and third-party information, Sensa Copilot identifies money laundering behaviors and facilitates quick and efficient analysis for investigators.

    Source: microsoft.com

    Saturday 5 August 2023

    Microsoft responsible AI practices: Lead the way in shaping development and impact

    Microsoft, Microsoft Certification, Microsoft Career, Microsoft Skills, Microsoft Jobs, Microsoft Prep, Microsoft Prepartion, Microsoft Tutorial and Materials

    With the rapid expansion of AI services in every aspect of our lives, the issue of responsible AI is being hotly debated. Responsible AI ensures that these advancements are made in an ethical and inclusive manner, addressing concerns such as fairness, bias, privacy, and accountability. Microsoft’s commitment to responsible AI is not only reflected in our products and services but in an array of tools and informational events available to developers. 

    Because they play a pivotal role in shaping the development and impact of AI technologies, developers have a vested interest in prioritizing responsible AI. As the discipline gains prominence, developers with expertise in responsible AI practices and frameworks will be highly sought after. Not to mention that users are more likely to adopt and engage with AI technology that is transparent, reliable, and conscious of their privacy. By making responsible AI a priority, developers can build a positive reputation and cultivate user loyalty.

    Approaching AI responsibly

    When approaching the use of AI responsibly, business and IT leaders should consider the following general rules:

    Ethical considerations Ensure that AI systems are designed and used in a manner that respects human values and rights. Consider potential biases, privacy concerns, and the potential impact on individuals and society. 
    Data privacy and security   Implement robust security measures and comply with relevant data protection regulations. Use data anonymization and encryption techniques when handling sensitive data. 
    Human oversight   Avoid fully automated decision-making processes and ensure that human judgment is involved in critical decisions. Clearly define responsibility and accountability for the outcomes of AI systems.
    User consent and control   Provide users with control over their data and the ability to opt out of certain data collection or processing activities. 
    Continuous monitoring and evaluation   Regularly evaluate AI systems to ensure they are functioning as intended and achieving the desired outcomes. Address any issues, biases, or unintended consequences that arise during the deployment of AI. 
    Collaboration and interdisciplinary approach   Foster collaboration between business leaders, AI experts, ethicists, legal professionals, and other stakeholders. This interdisciplinary approach can help identify and address ethical, legal, and social implications associated with AI adoption. 
    Education and training Invest in training programs for employees to develop AI literacy and awareness of ethical considerations. Promote a culture that values responsible AI use and encourages employees to raise ethical concerns.
    Social and environmental impact Consider the broader societal and environmental impact of AI applications. Assess potential consequences on employment, socioeconomic disparities, and the environment. Strive to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive contributions.

    Responsible AI principles with Microsoft

    As a proactive approach to addressing the ethical implications of AI, Microsoft focuses on six core principles:

    1. Fairness: AI systems should be fair and unbiased and should not discriminate against any individual or group. Regularly audit and monitor AI systems to identify and address any potential biases that may emerge.
    2. Inclusiveness: AI systems should be inclusive and accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or abilities.
    3. Safety and reliability: AI systems should be safe and reliable, and should not pose a threat to people or society.
    4. Transparency: AI systems should be transparent and understandable so that people can understand how they work and make informed decisions about their use. This helps build trust with customers, employees, and stakeholders.
    5. Accountability: People should be accountable for the development and use of AI systems, and should be held responsible for any harm that they cause.
    6. Security: AI systems should be secure and resistant to attack so that they cannot be used to harm people or society.

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    For developers looking to discover best practice guidelines for building AI solutions responsibly, we offer the digital, on-demand event, “Put Responsible AI into Practice,” in which Microsoft experts provide the latest insights into state-of-the-art AI and responsible AI. Participants will learn how to guide their product teams to design, build, document, and validate AI solutions responsibly, as well as hear how Microsoft Azure customers from different industries are implementing responsible AI solutions in their organizations.

    Develop and monitor AI with these tools

    Looking to dig a little deeper? The responsible AI dashboard on GitHub is a suite of tools that includes a range of model and data exploration interfaces and libraries. These resources can help developers and stakeholders gain a deeper understanding of AI systems and make more informed decisions. By using these tools, you can develop and monitor AI more responsibly and take data-driven actions with greater confidence.

    The dashboard includes a variety of features, such as:

    • Model Statistics: This tool helps you understand how a model performs across different metrics and subgroups.
    • Data Explorer: This tool helps you visualize datasets based on predicted and actual outcomes, error groups, and specific features.
    • Explanation Dashboard: This tool helps you understand the most important factors impacting your model’s overall predictions (global explanation) and individual predictions (local explanation).
    • Error Analysis (and Interpretability) Dashboard: This tool helps you identify cohorts with high error rates versus benchmarks and visualize how the error rate is distributed. It also helps you diagnose the root causes of the errors by visually diving deeper into the characteristics of data and models (via its embedded interpretability capabilities).

    In addition, our learning path, Identify principles and practices for responsible AI, will provide you with guidelines to assist in setting up principles and a governance model in your organization. Learn more about the implications of and guiding principles for responsible AI with practical guides, case studies, and interviews with business decision leaders.

    Source: microsoft.com

    Thursday 3 August 2023

    Optimize the cost of .NET and Java application migration to Azure cloud

    Azure Career, Azure Skills, Azure Jobs, Azure Prep, Azure Preparation, Azure Guides, Azure Learning

    In today’s uncertain economic environment, cost is top of mind for every organization. With uncertain global economic conditions, high inflation rates, and challenging job markets, many businesses are tightening their spending. Yet, companies continue to prioritize substantial budget allocations for digital transformation, especially for the agility, performance, and security gained by migrating applications to the cloud. The reason is simple: investments in cloud translate to positive impacts on the business revenue and significant cost savings. 

    But how do businesses turn this opportunity into reality? In this article, we’ll look at several levers that Azure provides to help organizations maximize the cost benefits of migrating .NET and Java apps to the cloud. One of the things to note about cost optimization is that it’s not only about the price. There are significant financial benefits to be gained when you leverage the right technical resources, have access to best practices from real-world experiences with thousands of customers, and flexibility of the right pricing option for any scenario. These factors may result in a compelling total cost of ownership (TCO). 

    Let’s look at some of these benefits for Azure App Service customers below: 

    ◉ Azure landing zone accelerators
    ◉ Enterprise web app patterns
    ◉ Powerful Azure Migrate automation tooling
    ◉ Offers to offset the initial cost of migration
    ◉ Cost-effective range of pricing plans

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    Faster time to value with expert guidance through landing zone accelerators

    For cloud migration projects, getting it right quickly from the start sets the foundation for business success and savings. Azure landing zone accelerators are prescriptive solution architectures and guidance that aid IT pros in preparing for migration and deployment of on-premises apps to the cloud. 

    Provided at no additional cost and capturing the expert guidance from migrations done with thousands of customers, landing zone accelerators are a compelling differentiator with Azure that help organizations focus on delivering value rather than spend cycles doing the heavy lifting of migration on their own. Based on well-architected principles and industry best-practices for securing and scaling application and platform resources, these resources create tangible cost savings by reducing the time and effort to complete app migration projects.

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    Enhance developer skilling with the reliable enterprise web app pattern

    The reliable web app (RWA) pattern is another free resource from Azure that is specifically designed to empower developers confidently plan and execute the migration process. It is targeted at both experts in the cloud and developers who may be more familiar with on-premises tools and solutions and taking their first steps in the cloud. Built on the Azure Well-Architected Framework, this set of best practices helps developers successfully migrate web applications to the cloud and establishes a developer foundation for future innovations on Azure. 

    The reliable web app pattern provides guidance on the performance, security, operations, and reliability of web applications with minimal changes during the migration process. It smoothens the learning curve and greatly reduces the length of the migration project, thereby saving organizations the cost of maintaining on-premises infrastructure any longer. The Azure Architecture Center provides comprehensive guidance, open-source reference implementation code, and CI/CD pipelines on GitHub. Check out the free, on-demand Microsoft Build 2023 session to learn more. 

    Accelerate the end-to-end migration journey with free automated tooling 

    Costs of tooling and automation are often underestimated during migration projects. Azure Migrate is a free Microsoft tool for migrating and modernizing in Azure. It provides discovery, assessment, business case analysis, planning, migration, and modernization capabilities for various workloads on premises—all while allowing developers to run and monitor the proceedings from a single secure portal. Watch this short demo of the business case feature, and find Azure Migrate in the portal to get started.

    Azure Migrate, Azure Advisor, and Azure Cost Management and Billing are components of this migration journey that provide guidance, insights, and the ability to right-size Azure resources for optimal cost-efficiency. 

    Offset the initial cost of migration projects with Azure offerings

    To alleviate risks and help jumpstart migration with confidence, Azure Migrate and Modernize partner offers are available to customers. It not only helps build a sustainable plan to accelerate the cloud journey with the right mix of best practices, resources, and extensive guidance at every stage, but may also include agile funding to off-set the initial costs. 

    With Azure Migrate and Modernize, moving to the cloud is efficient and cost-optimized with free tools like Azure Migrate and Azure Cost Management. Additionally, it supports environmentally sustainable outcomes and drives operational efficiencies, while reducing migration costs through tailored offers and incentives based on your specific needs and journey. Work with your Microsoft partner to take advantage of these offers in your enterprise app migration. 

    Benefit from a wide range of flexible and cost-effective plans

    Azure App Service is one of the oldest and most popular destinations for .NET and Java app migrations, with over two and a half million web apps and growing fast. It offers a wide range of flexible pricing options to save on compute costs. Azure Savings Plan for Compute is ideal if the flexibility to run dynamic workloads across a variety of Azure services is crucial. Reserved instances are another popular option, providing substantial cost savings for workloads with predictable resource needs. There are various pricing plans and tiers to suit every budget and need—from a new entry-level Premium v3 plan called P0v3, to large-scale plans that support up to 256GB memory. For hobbyists and learners, Azure App Service has one of the most compelling free tiers that continues to attract new developers every day. 

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    Source: microsoft.com