Saturday 12 August 2023

Efficiently store data with Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier — now generally available

Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier, Azure Exam, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Career, Azure Skills, Azure Jobs

We are excited to announce the general availability of Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier in all public and Azure Government regions except Poland Central and Qatar Central. Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier is an online tier specifically designed for efficiently storing data that is infrequently accessed or modified, all while ensuring immediate availability.

Azure Blob Storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. With blob access tiers, you can store your data in the most cost-effective way, based on how frequently it will be accessed and how long it will be retained. Azure Blob Storage now includes a new cold online access tier option, further reducing costs.

Across diverse industries, Azure customers are harnessing the power of blob storage to address a wide range of needs. With the introduction of the new tier, customers can now experience remarkable benefits in scenarios such as backing up media content, preserving medical images, and securing critical application data for seamless business continuity and robust disaster recovery.

Cost effectiveness with cold tier

Cold tier is the most cost-effective Azure Blob Storage offering to store infrequently accessed data with long term retention requirements, while maintaining instant access. Blob access tiers maximize cost savings based on data access patterns. When your data isn’t needed for 30 days, we recommend tiering the data from hot to cool to save up to 46 percent (using the East US 2 pricing as an example) due to lower prices on capacity. When your data is even cooler, for example, if you don’t require access for 90 days or longer, cold tier results in more savings. When compared to cool tier, cold tier can save you an additional 64 percent on capacity costs (using the East US 2 pricing as an example; hot to cold tier savings are 80 percent).

Prices for read operations are higher on cooler access tiers and read patterns and file size distribution affect the cost-effectiveness. We recommend calculating the total cost based on both operation and capacity costs. The chart below shows how total cost differs on cool tier and cold tier based on how long you keep the data with the tier.

Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier, Azure Exam, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Career, Azure Skills, Azure Jobs

In the above scenario, the total cost estimation assumes 10 TiB data in total, 10 MiB blob size on average, reading once every month, and reading 10 percent of the total data each time. If you keep data for 30 days, the total cost is lower on the cool tier than the cold tier. If you keep data for 60 days or longer, cold tier is a more cost-effective option.

Seamless experience with cold tier

Cold tier is as easy to use as hot tier and cool tier. REST APIs, SDKs, Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, Azure Storage Explorer have been extended to support cold tier. You can use the latest version of these clients to write, manage, and read your data directly from cold tier. The read latency is milliseconds on the cold tier.

Lifecycle management policy also supports automating tiering blobs to cold tier based on conditions including modified time, creation time, and last access time.

The cold tier extends its support to both Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Locally redundant storage (LRS), Geo-redundant storage (GRS), Read-access Geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS), Zone-redundant storage (ZRS), Geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS), and Read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-GZRS) are all supported based on regional redundancy availability.

Empowering customers and partners to maximize savings

Customers across industries can use cold tier to improve the cost efficiency of object storage on Azure without compromising read latency. Since we launched the preview for cold tier in May 2023, our customers and partners have used this capability on Azure to store data that is infrequently accessed or modified.


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