Tuesday 13 August 2019

Six ways we’re making Azure reservations even more powerful

Azure Databricks pre-purchase plans

You can now save up to 37 percent on your Azure Databricks costs when you pre-purchase Azure Databricks commit units (DBCU) for one or three years. Any Azure Databricks use deducts from the pre-purchased DBUCs automatically. You can use the pre-purchased DBCUs at any time during the purchase term.

Azure Certification, Azure Learning, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Online Exam

Azure Databricks pre-purchase plans

You can now save up to 37 percent on your Azure Databricks costs when you pre-purchase Azure Databricks commit units (DBCU) for one or three years. Any Azure Databricks use deducts from the pre-purchased DBUCs automatically. You can use the pre-purchased DBCUs at any time during the purchase term.

Azure Certification, Azure Learning, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Online Exam

Scope reservation to resource group

You can now scope reservations to a resource group. This feature is helpful in scenarios where same subscription has deployments from multiple cost centers, represented by their respective resource groups, and the reservation is purchased for a particular cost center. This feature helps you narrow down the reservation application to a resource group making internal charge-back easier. You can scope a reservation to a resource group at the time of purchase or update the scope after purchase. If you delete or migrate a resource group then the reservation will have to be rescoped manually.

Azure Certification, Azure Learning, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Online Exam

Scope reservation to resource group

You can now scope reservations to a resource group. This feature is helpful in scenarios where same subscription has deployments from multiple cost centers, represented by their respective resource groups, and the reservation is purchased for a particular cost center. This feature helps you narrow down the reservation application to a resource group making internal charge-back easier. You can scope a reservation to a resource group at the time of purchase or update the scope after purchase. If you delete or migrate a resource group then the reservation will have to be rescoped manually.

Azure Certification, Azure Learning, Azure Tutorial and Materials, Azure Online Exam

Enhanced usage data to help with charge back, savings, and utilization

Organizations rely on their enterprise agreement (EA) usage data to reconcile invoices, track usage, and charge back internally. We recently added more details to the EA usage data to make your reservation reporting easier. With these changes you can easily perform following tasks:

◈ Get reservation purchase and refund charges

◈ Know which resource consumed how many hours of a reservation and charge back data for the usage

◈ Know how many hours of a reservation was not used

◈ Amortize reservation costs

◈ Calculate reservation savings

Purchase using API

You can now purchase reservations using REST APIs. The APIs below will help you get the SKUs, calculate the cost, and then make the purchase:

◈ Get SKUs
◈ Calculate cost
◈ Purchase

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